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A member registered Jul 22, 2022

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The game's visuals are pretty neat, feels like one of those good old flash games you played back in the day on your browser.
Sadly, I couldn't get any moves to work and when I tried going to the controls, it straight up didn't work, so my experience was a bit lackluster, but good attempt, you still made something. Keep making something and eventually it'll be something great!

This is such a cool concept, reminds me of the good 'ol "Swords and Sandals" games. With some help on the art side and more time, this could totally be a banger.
Awesome job!

The visuals and audio were very enjoyable, quickly made a little meta of quick-switching between weapons for maximum effectiveness, and made you think a little bit before certain engagements.
I"m not quite sure how, but some of the fights got really dead when you had to resort to just peeking, shotgunning going back in, and repeating, since any other option was certain death.

Awesome game, good job!

The graphics looked very fitting, I loved them. Music was also an excellent fit for the futuristic pew pew laser type deal.

When coming back from the "About" section there is a bug that makes the music start playing again from the start, thus having two simultaneous tracks play at the same time.
Pretty decent game, good job!